Reports to: Head of PCU
Department: Program Coordination Unit (PCU)
Duty station: TeamUp Consortium office in Lubowa Kampala with frequent travel to Mityana District
TeamUp Uganda builds on the lessons learned and best practices acquired in the TeamUp pilot to implement a development cooperation approach to cross-sector collaboration and public-private partnerships (PPP). TeamUp Uganda is initiated by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and managed as well as co-financed through the three foundations of Deutsche Stiftung Weltbevölkerung (DSW), Hanns R. Neumann Stiftung (HRNS) and Siemens Stiftung.
The program unites the expertise, networks, and resources of three local organizations, namely, Action 4 Health Uganda (A4HU), Hanns R. Neumann Stiftung Africa (HRNS), and Whave Solutions implemented in the multi sectors of Health, Agriculture as well as Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene (WASH). Tackling the complex and interlinked challenges faced by young people, TeamUp Uganda applies a holistic approach integrating socioeconomic, health, and educational aspects to reach 9,040 direct beneficiaries between the ages of 15 – 30 years and approximately 290,000 indirect beneficiaries. TeamUp Uganda works in Mityana District, 2 sub-counties in Kassanda District, and includes a replication element that will be implemented in three additional Districts.
The Program Coordination Unit (PCU) is established at the A4HU office in Lubowa, Kampala, to accompany and coordinate the Consortium partners and facilitate joint reporting, engagement with different stakeholders at the national level, district, and sub district levels. Regarding the national and local government, the PCU liaises with several line ministries and technical teams (i.e., health, agriculture, water, and education) to ensure alignment with national policies, government frameworks and standards.
The Position
The PCU Communications and Advocacy Coordinator provides strategic direction and support to the program in the development and implementation of its joint communication and advocacy agenda, working closely with the consortium members in Uganda and Germany. This includes (a) facilitating processes that ensure the three implementing partners strengthen each other’s messages towards the community and government as well as ensuring alignment of joint communication activities and relevant visibility of the program in Uganda; (b) overseeing the design and production of key communications resources. He/she will be required to travel to Mityana regularly to have a close and constant exchange with the field staff and the beneficiaries. This is particularly important to be able to collect content including taking pictures/videos, writing stories and to conduct communication-related capacity-building activities with staff. He/she will be required to work with external consultants; (c) Facilitating processes that ensure the three implementing partners align their advocacy efforts towards a common consortium goal, including strategy, messaging, and implementation.
Tasks and Duties
Updating and implementing of TeamUp communication strategy
• Routinely updating the communications strategy to align TeamUp objectives accordingly including messages, target groups and communication targets
• Develop and implement annual communication plans.
• Overseeing materials produced by partners to be in line with the TeamUp Corporate Identity
• Development of high-quality communication materials for TeamUp
• Develop and produce high quality communication materials like Videos, Flyers, Presentations, Blogposts, Newsletter, Media Releases, Banners, Multimedia Content
• Manage local production processes by printing houses and/ or other partners.
• Ensure increasing visibility of TeamUp with relevant stakeholders nationally and internationally.
• Review, update, and create content for the TeamUp website and provide content for different social media channels.
• Manage service suppliers for video and photo production.
• Support the production of materials as requested by international partners in Germany.
• Managing and further developing TeamUp website and social media channels with regular content
Program Implementation Communications
• Support joint communication activities for example radio shows, community meetings, etc.
• Produce communication materials for joint activities, such as photos or IEC material.
• Align with partners to ensure that their communication materials about TeamUp match with
• TeamUp requirements.
• Ensure adherence to minimum quality standards of all involved partners when communicating about TeamUp.
• Ensure good visibility of TeamUp with Ugandan stakeholders and public.
Knowledge Management
• Lead the consortium partners in collecting and profiling the Most Significant Change Stories.
• Coordinating and supporting the IPs in using the document management system
• Collect materials such as stories, reports, interviews, testimonials, photographs, videos, figures.
• Administer and file photographs and other materials.
• Managing and updating file structure in online database (Teams)
• Develop formats and templates to be used by team members for documenting field experiences.
• Supporting the implementing partners in developing and implementing a TeamUp advocacy strategy.
• Facilitating the development of advocacy messages in collaboration with the implementing partners
• Taking the lead in national level advocacy engagements when required by the consortium.
• Responsibility for Assigned Ad hoc Duties
• Perform any other duties that may from time to time be assigned by the immediate supervisor.
Your first days with TeamUp:
• Familiarise with TeamUp documentation and progress to date, including synergetic planning, and contribute fresh thinking on how to achieve the fundamental objectives.
• Develop a good understanding of all partner’s work, strategies, objectives, challenges. To do this, conduct regular conversations with staff at all levels (field workers, managers, admin, CEOs etc.)
• After the first weeks, review the observations and learnings with the PCU, ICU and Steering
• Committee to set priorities and goals for the program phase.
Education and Work Experience
• Master’s degree in communications or a related subject
• 3+ years’ experience in communications or a related field
• First-hand experience or knowledge of development policies
• Demonstrated ability to design and implement effective communication and advocacy strategies on a range of issues / contexts within the TeamUp approach.
• Experience with networks and facilitating working groups.
• Proven analytical skills and substantial experience in research and drafting for communications and advocacy material.
• Experience in public speaking is a plus.
Personal Attributes
• Demonstrable attitude for teamwork.
• High level of interpersonal skills.
• Ability to communicate effectively both in writing and orally.
• High level of personal integrity.
Job application procedure
The applicant is required to submit an expression of interest letter, samples of work done in the previous job, and a resume for this position to the Program Coordination Unit, not later than Friday 22nd March 2024. Only those shortlisted will be contacted. The submission should be addressed to;
The Head of PCU.
TeamUp – Program Coordination Unit.
Email: .
More Information
- Address Kampala, Uganda, East Africa