Manager, Regional Control job at Standard Bank

Job Expired

Job Purpose:
To Provide functional support and co-ordinate initiatives that embed culture, champion organizational readiness activities/projects to ensure seamless rollout.
To Oversee compliance, operational and reputational risk management in the Distribution Network in order to reduce operational losses and improve procedural and regulatory compliance.
Monitoring and Routine Control:
• Monitor and ensure that branches in the region have sufficient cash holdings for vault, CDMs, Recyclers, ATMs in all currencies.
• Authorize branch limits raises, staff system profile changes within laid down procedures.
• Identify and recommend process improvement opportunities including deletion of obsolete policies and procedures for appropriate consideration
• Support bank/centre driven initiatives across the regions and ensure adoption and compliance as per the set checklists/reviews to ensure embedment for both CHNW and BCC
• Conduct meetings with branch teams to communicate relevant information and obtain feedback on issues affecting branch operations across the region for appropriate escalation and resolution
• Satisfactory customer survey feedback (NPS)
Risk and Control
• Identify changes in the pattern of losses, analyze trends and take the necessary steps to prevent a recurrence
• Monitor branches’ Continuity Management plans and close identified gaps
• Monitor branch suspense accounts as per defined business rules.
• Conduct regular supervision checks on bank assets-cash, security as required to ensure compliance
• Carry out spot checks on Agent and merchant onboarding, supervision reports, SLA monitoring and training processes to ensure compliance across the region.
• Carry out monitoring, assurance on areas across the region and support the teams to close out gaps in controls.
• Liaise with the records team to ensure compliance to the policies as required by the regulator
• Provide KYC assurance across the branches and drive the desired compliance levels for BCC and CHNW
• Ensure all remediation activities/projects and any other data driven initiatives for instance data quality as deemed necessary are fully supported and completed across the branches
• Review, support and key issues/identified gaps raised in the Risk Control Self-Assessment (RCSA) for onward resolution and improvement of the control environment
• Implementation of remedial actions from internal audits, regulatory reviews, IFR investigations, Internal control reviews and other such assurance reviews undertaken as agreed
• Carry out preliminary investigations of fraud/losses within the branch network as per laid down procedures
• Investigate and resolve incidents reported in accordance with laid down procedures.
• Conduct and facilitate formal root cause analysis, identification and implementation of appropriate remedial actions across the branches
• Support and follow up to resolve escalated cash differences in the ATMs / CDMs and Vault in accordance with laid down procedures.
• Ensure logical access reviews and attestations are completed within defined SLAs
• Oversee the records management process and liaise with the team on archival, as per the document retention policy etc. for compliance
• Satisfactory audit, regulator and any other assurance reviews as appropriate.
• Zero overdue audit and monitoring issues
• Operational losses as a percentage of gross income within tolerance thresholds.
• Timely compilation of the branch suspense monthly reconciliation returns
• Escalate breaches and incidents for breaches that require management direction as per the appropriate escalation processes, including active participation in identifying and execution of the remedial actions.
• Support interactions with key stakeholders and ensure all reporting standards are met and done timely.
People and Administration
• Participate in Conduct inductions for new and periodic training for existing staff in Control related roles in need
• Identify knowledge/skills gaps and work with the Line Manager and HC Business Partners to recommend appropriate interventions
• Identify and liase with the respective unit to deliver agreed training, coaching and support initiatives towards improvement of the control/service culture as planned and required across the regions
• Share and disseminate lessons and awareness messages across the network within the control environment.
• Drive completion of mandatory compliance courses and other identified trainings across the PORs
• Supervise the handover / business continuity processes in accordance with laid down procedures.
• Enforce disciplinary within the region on issues realised and design action plans as a member of the Regional D&G management committee
• Any other duties assigned by the Line Manager as applicable
• Positive stakeholder feedback
• Cost efficiencies across the branches
Completion of compliance courses

• First Degree preferably in Finance and accounting

Additional Information
• A minimum of 3-4 years’ exposure to Business Operations, service/control management
• Strong knowledge of the regulatory environment governing financial services
• Strong knowledge of the Banks’ policies, procedures and practices
• A good understanding of the business; products, channels, network, customer segmentation, competitive environment.
• Working knowledge of transaction processes relevant to products and services offered to customers
• Working knowledge of the Bank’s operating systems and controls
• A good understanding of the inter-relationships between the bank and its key stakeholders; Staff, regulators and regulatory environment, shareholders
• Good analytical skills, computer literate with proficiency in use of Excel, Word and PowerPoint.

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