Invitation To Bid For Rct Endline Study For The Lego Foundation Playful Futures Project tendering job at Plan International

Plan International

Job Expired

Job Overview

Plan International Uganda is an independent development and humanitarian organisation that advances Children’s Rights and Equality for Girls. We believe in the power and potential of every child. But this is often suppressed by poverty, violence, exclusion and discrimination. And it is girls who are most affected.
As an independent, development and humanitarian organisation, we work alongside children, young people, our supporters and partners to tackle the root causes of the challenges facing girls and all vulnerable children.

Plan International is an international child centered development and humanitarian organization that strives to advance children rights and equality for girls. Plan International is fully committed to promoting the realization of children’s rights including their right to protection from violence and abuse. We take particular responsibility to ensure that children we come into contact with do not suffer any form of harm, abuse or exploitation, as a result of their association with Plan International staff, associates, visitors and programs. A range of pre-employment or engagement checks will be undertaken in conformity with Plan International’s Safeguarding Children and Young People policy.

Plan International Uganda invites bids from competent firms / Individuals to conduct the RCT ENDLINE STUDY FOR THE LEGO FOUNDATION PLAYFUL FUTURES PROJECT. For details, please download information from the following link which is case

Plan International Uganda has zero tolerance policy against fraud and corruption and expects all third parties to follow the same. For each and every project, we undertake a promise to live by ethical and moral standards. If there is any concem of bribery, collusion, unethical behavior or any wrongdoing by Plan International Uganda staff or any associate, please call +44 191 516 7774 or email all reports are treated confidentially and you may remain anonymous if you wish.

Request for Clarification on Bidding
a) Any inquiries regarding this classified tender should be sent on / before the 27th November 2023 by 12:00noon to Coug.procurement@plan- or Tel: 0414 305 000.
Bids/Offers Submission Deadline date and Time
Interested bidders should submit their Bids / Offers electronically by Friday 1st December 2023 by 12:00pm (noon) (EAT) to Electronic Bidding@plan- with Email reference / subject line clearly indicating “RCT ENDLINE STUDY FOR THE LEGO FOUNDATION PLAYFUL FUTURES PROJECT”

Women-owned businesses and companies actively engaged or advancing gender equality and women empowerment in the workplace are especially encouraged to apply.
Plan International reserves full rights to cancel this process at any stage without informing service providers and at no cost refund for whoever participates in this Bidding process.

More Information

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