Economist job at Kasese District Service Commission

Job Expired

Applications are invited from suitably qualified Ugandans to fill the following vacant post that exist in Kasese District Local Government.

Applicants should attach to each of the three application forms certified copies of all relevant academic Certificates and transcripts that they may hold, their recent passport size photographs, practicing/ registration Licence, and copies of appointment and confirmation letters (where applicable) and a photocopy of the National Identity Card.
Serving officers must route their applications through their Responsible Officers who should be informed of the closing date to avoid delay

Job application procedure

Applications should be submitted in triplicate on PSF Form 3 (Revised 2008) to the Secretary, District Service Commission P.O. Box 250, Kasese to reach him not later than Friday 22 December 2023 at 5:00 pm.

Application forms can be obtained from the Kasese District Service Commission Offices or can be downloaded from the Public Service Commission website
Applications should bear the title and Reference Number of the post applied for.

Details of this job advert can be obtained from the Kasese District Service Commission office and District Notice Boards, and Schemes of Service issued from time to time all of which can be viewed from the Ministry of Public Service Website at

All services of the Kasese District service commission are provided free of charge and equal opportunity is given to all qualified applicants.

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