Communications Officer job at Ibanda District Service Commission

Job Expired


Communications Officer duties and responsibilities
• A Communications Officer develops and distributes information to promote an organization. Their duties and responsibilities may vary from company to company, but typically include the following:
• Maintain a database of media organizations and contacts within them.
• Manage the company’s or organization’s social media communications.
• Regularly meet with and conduct interviews with media personnel.
• Create and produce internal newsletters for the organization.
• Develop and maintain working relationships with journalists in multiple types of media outlets.
• Act as a spokesperson for the organization.
• Write, edit and distribute various types of content, including material for a website, press releases, marketing material and other types of content that take the message to the public.
• Prepare and manage the organization’s communication budget.

Skills and qualifications
• Good oral and written communication skills
• Leadership skills
• Decision-making and problem-solving skills
• Good networking skills
• Ability to multitask and prioritize projects
• Attention to detail
• Knowledge of the Associated Press style guide

Job application procedure
Applications are invited from suitably qualified Ugandans to fill the under-listed Vacant Posts that exist within Ibanda District Local Government and Ibanda Municipal Council.

Applications filled in triplicate on Public Service Forms No.3 (Revised 2008) together with applicant’s summary form should be submitted to the Secretary District Service Commission – Ibanda, P.O. Box 388 Ibanda, not later than December 19 2023 at 5:00PM (Four Weeks from the date of the Publication of this Advert.) Application Forms should be filled in triplicate and should bear the title of the Post and Reference Number SN Ref. No specified against the Vacancy.

Applicants should attach Certified Photocopies of Academic Qualifications (Transcripts Certificates and pass lips, CVs, and three Passport Photographs (Colored) on each form and any other Relevant Documents.

Applicants already in Service should route their applications through their Heads of Department.
Jobs advertised are obtainable from Ibanda District Service Commission Notice Board and Ministry of Public Service Website

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